The CoziGo is the best thing I bought for my baby. We are now able to nap while out of the house.
I recommend this to all my mummy friends! ~ Rachel M.

Mum answers the prayers of parents by inventing a device to help babies sleep on long-haul flights

by Emma Lovell October 11, 2016 2 min read

  • Sydney mum Emma Lovell has invented the CoziGo carrier
  • It pops up and provides a quiet and dark place for babies to sleep in peace
  • The CoziGo can be used on planes or as a stroller cover
  • Now it's being stocked all over Australia and is shipped internationally 

    As any parent will tell you, one of the worst things about travelling on a plane is when your baby won't settle and stop crying.


    Other passengers look at you, you can't sleep, and your poor bub is stressed and overtired by the time you get to your destination. 


    One Sydney mum, however, has come up with a solution that will allow your children to sleep on busy and noisy flights.  


    It's a bag that unzips and pops up, creating a covered bed for your baby that blocks out light and noise so they can sleep. 


    High School teacher Emma Lovell was flying back and forth from Sydney to the UK to care for her sick mum with five-month-old baby Aimee when she had the brilliant idea.


    'She was an awesome flyer but couldn’t sleep on the plane,' Ms Lovell told Daily Mail Australia. 'So I would take a huge sheet and masking tape to try and create a tent around her.'


    'I found myself as the envy of other parents. It was crap but it was better than nothing.'


    Ms Lovell looked online but couldn't find something made for babies travelling, so with the encouragement of her husband she decided to create her own.


    She came up with the CoziGo, which can be used on planes or as a stroller cover when out and about. 


    'It means when they're on holiday, parents can go out to dinner and have their baby sleeping in the restaurant,' the mum-of-two said. 


    Thus her company was born. They launched officially 18 months ago and the product is stocked in more than 50 retail outlets, as well as online.


    The mum-of-two has even got distribution deals in Malaysia and Singapore, and is looking to expand internationally into the US and Europe.


    As for sales, not only is the CoziGo selling well, customers are loving it - Parents often email Ms Lovell out of the blue telling her how much.


    'They say "I don't know how I lived without this,"' Ms Lovell said.  





    Travelling soon? Get your CoziGo here:



    Daily Mail: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3773714/Mum-invents-device-help-babies-sleep-planes.html




