The CoziGo is the best thing I bought for my baby. We are now able to nap while out of the house.
I recommend this to all my mummy friends! ~ Rachel M.
by Christian McGilloway July 04, 2016 2 min read
Tantrums... they're the one thing that most toddlers seem to go through at some stage, and range from crying and screaming to spectacular explosions of frustration and anger. Wondering what you can do to help combat tantrums?
Here's 7 tips from Cheryl Fingleson of The Sleep Coach on ways to help your child through the tantrum stage.
Tip One
Tantrums are often related to exhaustion. Make sure that your child is getting enough sleep for his or her age. If they're not sleeping, or have recently dropped a day sleep, try encouraging some quiet time where they can let their body and mind rest.
Tip Two
Tantrums can mean that your child is overtired. Is your child going to bed too late or waking up early?
Tip Three
Does your child have a case of 'fear of missing out'? Reassure your child that they are not missing out at bedtime.
Tip Four
Try move bed time earlier and see if it helps with meltdowns.
Tip Five
Your child may be dropping a day nap. It is normal for children to sleep on some days and not others. On the days that they don’t sleep, put them to bed early.
Tip Six
Is your child getting enough active time? Encourage a morning and afternoon activity where they can expend their energy and run out any frustrations and feelings. It could be anything from a run at the park to a bike ride or scooter.
Tip Seven:
And if all else fails... opt for some sunshine! Pop Fly Babee on your pram and head outside for some quiet, relaxing time (for you both) and for some fresh air!
And most of all, just remember that you'll see fewer tantrums as your child gets older and better at handling their feelings.
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