Not your average 14 year old – this one wants to save lives!
Tuesday, March 21 2017 04:00:00 PM
Perhaps you’ve heard of ALS or the Ice Bucket Challenge?
MND or ALS is an incurable disease that affects the nerves leaving you unable to walk, talk, eat or swallow. Unfortunately, diagnosis right now, means certain death and there is no known cure. My father-in-law died from it shortly before I married his son. The suffering is insurmountable and it was such a sad time for our family.
Last week I heard about Juliette – a remarkable 14 year old whose Grandfather was diagnosed with MND when she was just 11. I read her story – she was confused, angry, hurt BUT incredibly, at her tender age – she decided she wanted to make a difference.
Juliette started selling Lemonade to raise funds for much needed research in to this horrific disease. However, this is NOT YOUR AVERAGE Lemonade Stand! She has raised $33,000 from the sale of her bottled leMoNaiD. This incredible socialpreneur has her leMonAiD bottled at Parker’s Organic Juices and she donates every cent of profit to The Macquarie University Motor Neurone Disease Research Centre in the hope that someday a cure will be found.
Juliette’s aim is to raise another $33,000 – this kid and this cause is close to my heart and I was hoping that we could help her by buying a box of leMoNaiD to help her achieve her goals.
Juliette doesn’t yet have a sales website, so I’ve helped by creating a BUY NOW button on the CoziGo website. She’s selling a carton of 12 bottles for $54 including free postage Australia Wide. That’s just $4.50 per bottle – for the price of a coffee, you can help make a difference.
Remember:All profit goes directly to finding a cure for the devastating disease MND.
“When life gives you lemons, make leMoNaiD – help find a cure for MND/ALS by buying a case of leMonAiD from this 14 year old Socialpreneur. All profits go directly to research in to the disease.”

- MND is a progressive, terminal neurological disease
- MND can strike anyone
- There is no known cure and no effective treatment for MND
- Each day in Australia two people die from MND
- Each day in Australia two people are diagnosed with MND
- People with MND progressively lose the use of their limbs and ability to speak, swallow and breathe, whilst their mind and senses usually remain intact
- Average life expectancy is 2.5 years*
- More than 2,000 people have MND in Australia of whom 60% are male and 40% are female*
- Mean time from onset to confirmation of diagnosis is 10 to 18 months*
- Prevalence of MND in 2015 was 8.7 per 100,000 people or 1 per 11,434 Australians*
- Approximately 58% of people with MND are under the age of 65*
- The total cost of MND in Australia was $2.37 billion in 2015. This equates to $1.1 million per person*
- For every person diagnosed with MND it is estimated that a further 14 members of their family and their friends will live with the effect of MND forever